Unified Modeling Language
According to the video about UML Data modeling, it is possible to represent data for a application by (1) Relational Model; (2) XML; (3) Database Design Model;
The UML Datamodeling has 5 concepts:1. Class
2. Association
3. Association Class
4. Subclass
5. Composition & Aggregation
1. Class
Consists of name, attributes (where we can add a Primary Key) and methods.2. Association
The associations are relationships between objectives of two classes. There is also the Multiplicity of Associations, that talks how many objects of one class can be related to an object of another class.There are four types of Relationships:
A) one-to-one
Each object on each entity is related to at most one on the other entity.
B) many-to-one
Let's call one entity C1 and the other C2.
In this relationship, C1 element can relate with zero or at most one element on C2.
But, C2 element can be related to zero or many elements on C1.
C) many-to-many
Each element from an entity can be related with zero, one or many elements on the other entity.
There is no restrictions on the relationships.
D) complete
Actually, this relationship complement the others. It indicates that every object must participate of a relationship. The minimum is at least one relationship on both sides.
3. Association Class
It refers to a relationship between objects of two classes, with attributes on relationships.
There is also the called Self-Association, that is an association between a class and itself.
4. Subclasses
There are Superclass (Generalization), and Subclass (Specialization).
They can be Incomplete (Partial) x Complete, or Disjoint (Exclusive) x Overlapping.
5. Composition & Aggregation
Composition: The objects of one class belong to objects of the other class.
Aggregation: The objects of one class can belong or NOT to the objects of the other class.